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Saturday, August 28, 2010



Monday, August 16, 2010


yesterday i work at jusco, when i back i brought a 1.5 l mineral water, sushi, and kiwi....after i pay the money.....i ask for plastic bag.....since it hard carry heavy water around .....the cashier said: promoter r not provide plastic....what the hell!!! i keep insist one, so she give me.....but when i ask the staff there why the promoter cant have the bag??....they said it rules...i oso goodness.....i know no plastic is environment friendly....i think the reason is they preventing worker from stealing....but it kind of discriminate for me....the way they treat to the worker there.....they also human, they work cause the need money....why every rules since to make the worker life difficult??? i believe their life was difficult tat y they work.....why the poor people have to bear all this things????.....some company really din care about the right of worker......i feel so sad.....the life at work much more bad than i more cruel.......this is the reality......i wonder how is life when i work????

Thursday, August 12, 2010


我越来越觉得。。。自已是个懒得思考的人。。。。思考并不深入细腻。。。可能人吗。。。。天生就懒得用脑。。。也因为用脑真的很吃力。。。它耗费好多力量。。。每当用完脑力。。。体力也跟着用尽。。。很多人会说: 人总用20%的脑的潜能。。。。但我只用了10% 而已。。。可能是懒或不回善用吧。。。

i think therefore i alive......modified from aristotle quotes: i think therefore i m....haha.....i should practice more thinking from today....if u saw me deep in my world....u know i m thinking and dreaming^^

if u saw me with this pose.....u know lar^^


还以为自已最近又失常。。。原来又是情绪低落作怪。。。刚才,读到一篇精神科医生的文章。。。我才了解! 人吗,怎样都逃不了情绪的纠缠。。。总因它而起落。。。当情绪低落时,总觉得世界是黑暗。。。对世间感到绝望。。。没任何东西感兴趣。。。不想和别人社交。。。只想躲在自已的空间。。。等。。。我都有。。。还好。。。现在的我。。。情绪较好了。。。可是还没到达高点。。。

Friday, August 6, 2010

