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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 5 of my internship journey

This week never be the easy one!
again it was full of challenges,
yet it make my emotion rolls up and down,
this week started,
with a nervous result of handling the report last friday,
nothing happen on monday,
which we have training that day,
but i guess my boss know what i had done,
it was so sudden she approach me,
and said how well i been train,
all her words have hidden meaning,
she din mention what i had done,
just pats my shoulder a number of time,
i still figure out what does it mean.
i thought nothing gonna happen,
i thought i was stepping on inactive bomb,
another unexpected is,
finally my manager talked to me,
i guessed a good one gua,
she make things clear to me,
let me know what is the 2 priority target,
and clear my thought of impossible to reach,
it end up she does not scold me,
but taught me like a lecturer.
i received call from my uni supervisor,
she said she will pay visit on thurday,
when she came,
i intro to her what i had done,
told her all about my company,
then my supervisor meet uni supervisor,
they have a talk,
overall i think they gave good comment except i m not a good sales person,
that make me so down for the rest of the week,
not only that,
make things come together,
all make me feel i was at hell,
all things make me feel so pressure,
until i felt unbreathable,
many things keep floating in my mind,
i was so stress up until wanna to burn up,
my supervisor get me a lot stress,
and the office environment getting competitive as more intern come in,
i had to work harder to compete,
i start to realize and learn a lesson,
how cruel the world,
no matter how much effort you put,
what people see is RESULT!
what make me open my eyes is
I learn a great lesson this week,
i now more realize how important is PEOPLE SKILL!
without it you life was like SUCK!
as week pass,
thing getting stressful,
all challenges have level up,
i need to clear my emotion before i can ready for another great challenges,
since i had 2 day weekend rest,
i try to clear all the emotion rubbish,
i not sure it clear,
but no choice,
it should be clear no matter what,
on monday,
all was set to race.
i think before i end,
another good news is i manage close one sale this week,
i was relieve once the candidate sign the contract,
i pray hard for no more trouble,
luckly it success close!
i went all the way to pj to listen to a talk,
what she spoke like touching my inner heart,
she said:
when you so suffer that you cant go ahead,
think it was a turning point,
all the suffer happen to be teach us lesson,
to make us strong!
for a moment,
it so touch,
i can feel my eyes roll,
it touch my heart deeply.
i believe all this are some part of test,
to test how much i can be strengthen,
how far i can walk,
all this challenge is to make me growth and strong.
always thank to the person who gave u hard time,
they make u growth!
next week,
i hope i had more positive growth and mental ready for what it come,
enjoy the challenge,
and go for it!s


iamenwan said...

Jiayou! You can make through all these de! =)
Bug me if u need someone to listen to you! will be there for you~ ^^