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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Week 6 of Intern

Only left 2 week,
i will finish my intern,
when flash back,
the journey was not any easy one.
i walked it full of tears and sweats,
i dunno what should i described how i feel,
in dilemma i guess,
i know i will miss my intern life,
i really feel great i walked through it,
i always realize,
when i really went thought the tough moment,
i really appreciate how far the journey i had passed,
this week,
it another great leap for me,
after 6 week struggle,
i can start harvest slowly,
in term of resume out,
i almost achieve daily target,
and approximately sent 8-10 resume out,
as more resume out,
more higher chance close sales.
close sale is what i strive each day,
but i dunno why i din feel happy at all when i close one,
i remembered my supervisor talk to me one day,
how you feel when close sale?
i said nothing at all,
i feel nothing cause waiting too long,
really truth,
i feel more pressure when close sales,
cause one i achieve a certain level,
that mean more higher level to go.
as day pass,
the environment getting compete,
it just like a war game,
every intern fight like army,
seek for achieve.
we have 2 office,
mine one is at upper floor,
we have another lower floor,
but this 2 floor,
is hell at upper and heaven at lower,
upper flower really compete like hell,
everyone want to perform,
everyday when report the number,
i can feel the tense of it,
i still have 2 week to go,
i dunno i suppose to feel relieve,
or felt great cause it gonna to end.
as i said,
it was an intense training,
it was!
this week,
i with one of my senior colleague organize june birthday party,
we discuss and plan at the day before,
domino pizza + some gift for 2 bd gals,
so we need collect 10 buck from everyone,
i incharge collect money,
while my colleague incharge order foods and buying,
my colleague was shock of my when i beg 2 candle from secret recipe,
where we really need a candle to make it like bd party.
my manager seem happy with the celebration,
she thank me before she went.
next day,
i hear rumor that some colleague complaint that one of colleague din join,
and some complaint why bd gals dunno nid pay,
i realize,
at work no matter how good u make,
there are people have opinion.
i start realize why they bring so many intern into office,
cause we are great tools,
it teach us a very realistic world lesson,
which the world out there was so compete,
one things i realize is
no matter how much effort you put,
people only see RESULT.
sometime, this job require luck,
same position,
same environment,
but some can achieve some cant.
effort + luck sometime play a part,
my relationship will colleague more better,
as we have more time together while at lunch,
still left 2 week,
i will left,
but now as day pass i get feel more pressure,
this week,
sales meeting,
my boss congrat a few intern include me for perform this week,
i din feel great at all,
all was stress,
it seem like i bad at stress management,
my daily work was busy non stop,
since i start work,
i never stop my hand doing work until i back from office,
i m the first or second one into office,
the last few go back,
i wonder why i so pia,
after all,
i only had my few buck allowance,
but at the end,
i know i learn more than any intern,
cause i fall and make mistake than them,
there are a words make me go through the whole intern,
thank the person make your life difficult,
i guess i should thank to the company,
for making my intern as an intensive program,
i really thank from my heart,
for provide a great platform for me to learn.
people learn more when they fall,
we learn most when we difficult,
when life push you till the end,
what u can do is push back,
this is what i done.
still left one week + when i wrote this,
hope it was a great memory one.