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Monday, May 16, 2011

2nd week of intern journey

it leap to 2nd week,
time really rocket!!!
as day pass,
i more adapt with the new environments,
things getting easy as it turn routine,
when routine,
it mean it can control under my subconsciousness,
then it took less of my mental effort,
by the way,
this week turn to be more better,
some work have become routine,
like data entry,
update candidates details,
calling and invite interview,
job matching,
answer phone calls
and etc...
this week more improvement,
in term of numbers of key in data,
as i was more better and good in finding chance use computer,
i conduct more interview session,
ya this week,
i attended 2 special candidates,
one is a senior manager which from indian,
it was my mistake that i forgot we din help foreigner look for job,
i end up interview him but sorry i cant help him got job,
another candidates is 50+ yr old man,
i was so stupid that i called him for interview,
i forgot check the age,
it not age discrimination,
but realities is no company wan too old man for clerical job,
it so strange tat this person who 50 yr old
looking for clerical job,
he has knowledge of outside world,
he speak fluent english,
but when i asked him why he apply clerical job
he said after all this is the more easier job...
i did suspect him,
whether he is spy from my company
who want to evaluate my performance,
or he is the recruitment auditor???
but he seem wear simple,
a child look watch,
carry a helmet with him,
i was confuse,
are he serious looking for job?
it end up i cant help him.
time will let me noe,
which category he is~
then what the best things in this intern is
the platform for me to speak english,
i speak all the day,
surround by fluent speaker,
all of my colleague speak fluent english,
i guess i was the one with poor english,
however i can learn from them,
i still need learn communicate with them,
still, this week better relationship with them,
yet not reach my expectation....
this week i reach my daily resume out target,
i managed to give5 resume out on last fri,
with another good news i close sales,
but sadly,
the candidate din start work and cant be contact,
it make me happy at first and sad at the end,
my first sales end up unsuccessful,
when i think of my sales target,
i sweat and headache,
it need much efforts to reach at short time,
i was kind of worry and stress when think of it,
what i can do is do my best.
lesson i learn this week is,
1)people tend to remember the mistake u make
but forget how much you can contribute,
2)the work life always fill with loneliness
3)i always remember what my boss told me,
u been here, because we think u value more that we pay.for sure, i received for quarter of the value i work.
4)is prove i m workaholic!i cant stop working even at home. all my mind is about work, work,WORK!!!.
5)alert at work, even a small insignificant action will cause you a lot trouble.
some lesson i learn from my colleagues,
when they make a mistake,
i try learn from they mistake,
before i did the same,
while the mistake i made,
i never let it happen again....
it was a good news that i will involve in career fair next week,
so happy i given a chance,
it was a great learning,
hopefully it din disappoint me,
sometime i in dilemma,
at certain moment,
i love what i done,
since i rarely feel tired when i work,
i din wishes the day end early,
but today,
i feel want go back asap,
since tomorrow was holiday.
that all for this week,
i hope coming week i can wrote something good and positive,
i got some interesting happening to write,
hope this week will be another great leap!


kuan yee said...

mei wen, glad to hear tat those gud news from u...jia you sure u can de...all the best to u!!!^^