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Sunday, May 8, 2011

My internship week 1 journey

The day pass so fast....
here i m,
begin my internship journey.
it was my first week.
the first week,
i describe it as SUCK!!!
it was a tough week,
with intensive training and practice,
this week,
i have 3 training,
company intro, intern expectation, & about CHANGE need in work,
everyday was input in and practice,
this is what i need do everyday.
I had 50 data entry target and sales target to achieve,
all was challenging and new,
with such a short time,
i need absorb like a sponge,
the company can provide me a good platform to learn,
i like they way of work,
which emphasis on teamwork,
it can teach me a lot of attitude which i might need for future employment,
like do more, keep improving, comm skills, how to work efficiently etc...
what i like more is they activities,
they have alternate week exercise day....
next month we have PAINT BALL GAME.
Hooray....cant wait have fun....
It teach us by the time we work,
we still have fun.
but why i cant enjoy it???
instead it stress me out..
this questions i keep ask me all the time,
mb i still adapting,
mb i still not yet ready....
but what the main reason i nt enjoy is,
as each day pass,
it prove a lot of my assumptions of realities rite,
i hurt me that i prove how the world out there.
this need time to accept.
i learn a lot life lesson this few day,
the life out there is alone,
it proved i m rite,
there are no real friend at work,
only colleagues.
so far this theory still haven disapprove from my dictionary.
there are more to learn,
more lessons coming in,
i had to mental prepare as well as physical.
i shall do adjustment in term of both as well,
since this week i need
adaptation+ change + adjustment
all was NEW,
NEW ENVIRONMENT in term of work n stay,
hopefully new week will turn out to be better,
wait for new report,
wishes it was positive one!


babytopaz said...

it proved i m rite,
there are no real friend at work,
only colleagues.

Cannot agree more.
Unless we are friends and come to a decision to have business together, we might can be business partner + friend. But, I would still, rather not.

kuan yee said...

mei wen, actuali i quite agree wif ur statement tat no real fren at work bt i hope is nt correct...cos if like tat, we cant enjoy to the fullest...i oso still adapting wif it...hope next week will be better to us...

Patrine said...

good luck guy, but i hope u can prove i m wrong...that we can find friend at work