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Sunday, January 1, 2012

The 2011's JOURNEY

it was the year,
where i step out from the university door,
walked into the corporate door.
A year full of tear & sweat,
tear for the farewell,
sweat for the hardwork,
of course full of laugh & Smile moments!

The journey of first half year,
with the identity as a student.
With the tonne heavy of assignments & Thesis,
Happy moment i spent with my fellow uni friends, coursemates,
The most cherish moment in my university life,
when the farewell bring all the memory of the years
A series of photos remind me the journey i had walked
It make me miss the days a lot
The days i walked with psykids, the activities i thesis....all was valuable than anything else.....
Our family photo~taken at the last class

our big family~with the order of sis & dad & mom

The CNY steamboat dinner

Practical Workshop~protocol group

My poster assignments~~a challenging one....However i enjoy the process

It was GRACE's Initiative that bring this ONE DAY WITHOUT SHOES a reality...
I really proud to be able help and be part to create the awareness....

Panggung Bodhi~it was totally enjoy experience for organizing mark a better ending toward my university life which i was joined it on my last year (the so called busy year)

of course...i never forget the English for Business course i had attended at British Council...The happy 3 month English Learning Experience, with determination to go every Wednesday...all the way from Bangi to KL (1hr+ travel journey)..
what most memorable is i known this group of people,
who i learned English together....
where i met chazz & su sian
and we did some crazy things together.

This definitely the most relaxed and happier moment....where my a year hard work come to the gave me a lot of sweat and tears....

One day malacca trip with my fellow coursemates....we have great fun....took a lot of photos....and did a lot of crazy good to be able have fun while we all at the midst of completing our thesis....

Another trip to Genting, with En wan & Ah lee...we have fun time there....playing together and shop add colour in my last year of university life....

The next half year of my 2011,
is where the transition occur,
It began with the practical training,
it sure a great experience,
with some crazy act i did,
It was a tough beginning,
where the transition and adaptation all come in,
The experience really build my path today,
Where i met a gang of interns,
until Today we still keep in touch...
with all fellow interns....where we all cling together and sail in the same ship together....with differ backgrounds and university, we met each other.....and work together....
because of practical trainee become interesting and fun...

they are my housemates during practical happy to know them and stay together...with all the young...they make me feel younger....what miracle is i dunno this gang at all, though Michelle, i know Wei Chee....with all this so called yuan fen....
I was honor to be a part of their housemates

After Internship,
July was the month i spent play and went around,
for particular month,
i went to kluang, malacca, penang, kota kinabalu and lastly my hometown,
I enjoyed a lot,
Thank to my parents for allow me to go everywhere i want.

Went to visit UK farm where few of my fellow friends have internship totally close nature experience.....thank to Kheng Por....for initiate the trip...we began at zen organic farm, UK farm and lastly stopped at Malacca.

For the first time i broke the records of having 9 cups of coffee in 2 days....amazing!

Penang trip with my family....we have fun together.....went to pulau Jelatek with some physical activities there and it was the few last gathering we last night we all gather at the beach together we did sharing together....sort of beach talk...haha

One of psykids favourite activities...sing K...we managed to sing together in big group for the last time....we have a lot of fun sang together....
i definitely miss the time we sang k .....

before back to KL, i stopped by at taiping, EN wAN hometown with melia, i spent half day explore the town and en wan become the tour guide....

kota kinabalu was unplanned & random trip....Grace, En wan and I ....we booked our ticket during our study week, where 3 of us suddenly come into mind to travel together....definitely advantage experience at KK
Cause we rented a VIVA...and i drove at the city i first visited,
amazing trip...after all!

In front of Gunung Kundasang, the 3 traveler...we took few hour....enjoy all the journey, with human GPS (Grace) we went travel around KK....
surf for the interesting place....of course ...thank to sharon for bring us to taste the nice foods at KK

Next trip~~ Kuching my prove i was not a good tour guide.....after all, i din know kuching well....Grace and En wan come for the visited...we went few place so called tourist spot at my hometown....and i managed to bring them around with the help of Eddie...

on august, after years ..i have another family trip to Singapore...The moment i wished...and it come truth....that the power of law of attraction.....

on 8 Aug, my was the differ birthday i have this year...spent at country where i like after 20+ year...i back here at the same date....i celebrate this year birthday at Universal studio...

Me with my cousin have fun at Universal studios......which in 3 month time...i have another universal studio trip with my colleagues

after the one month plus,
play and travel,
it signed the began of job hunting....
After the process of searching, interviews....
I got the job offer from insurance company,
a industry i never though of,
Yet, i step into it.
Here i am....started the work life
in sept 19....
i remembered i settled down...
find room and prepare onboarding,
as always beginning is tough

After one week of onboard,
that another great events on my life,
the proud moments of me,
my graduation....
when think back 3 year ago,
when i still thinking whether i can make it today...
The answer i got, YES!
i did it.

with symbol the end of my university life....another life is waiting me to explore

Came to today,
it have been 3 month 11 days,
since i worked....
this 3 month,
i can conclude i joined at the right time,
with all the celebrations, events, trips....
i felt i was lucky.

This year was a great year...
far greater than i could amazing,
i believe 2012 will be better,
cause i will make it be the greatest one!
Bye 2011, Welcome 2012.


kuan yee said...

Wow, like ur post so much!!! U went through 2011 with colours and wonderful!!! May the 2012 will be extraordinary for u ya!!!^^

iamenwan said...

Give you a like too~ =D

Patrine said...

thank for the like...muak muak..